Wednesday, November 28, 2012

5 Mistakes to Avoid During Product Launches

When trying to launch products, there are certain mistakes you need to avoid in order to succeed in your launching process. Here are some of the most common yet fatal mistakes you should look out for:

Product launch mistake number 1: coming up with a plan on short notice

Never make a habit of planning for your launch right before you release your product, the earlier you start planning the better. A good time to start planning your launch is when your product gets signed off to get started in production.

Product launch mistake number 2: Not creating a backup plan

Things rarely go according to plan; this is why you should always have a backup plan in place. So when things divert from your original plan, you are not hit with confusion and be forced to make wrong hasty decisions.

Product launch mistake number 3: assigning the launch duties to the CEO

Instead put a product manager or brand manager in charge of the launch who can communicate with top management when needed. Put don't burden your CEO with this time consuming task.

Product launch mistake number 4: not telling your employees about the launch date

If you don't tell your employees, you won't get much word of mouth marketing to excite people before your launch. People love to talk about what they are working on, take advantage of this fact.

Product launch mistake number 5: using the same old forms of media you used before

Every launch should be unique in its own way, do not use the same idea over and over, even if it is a good one. People will get tired, and will think that the product is the same old thing you did the last time. Since you didn't put much effort in coming up with a new launch idea, why they expect that you put effort in the product.

These mistakes can really ruin your otherwise perfect plan for a great launch. Avoid them and let your competitors know the difference. For more article about product launch planning and other related articles please visit

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Learning How and When to Launch Your EBook

Your success with your eBook depends on how you launched your ebook. If at launch it gets viral effect, you will get huge success with it. But if you fail make a buzz around, then even if you have written the greatest information ever, it will not give you satisfactory results. In this article I will talk about how and when you should launch your eBook so that you can get maximum exposure and make good sales.

Create Heat About Your Product Launch:

Do not straight away launch your eBook and then start marketing. Instead create a situation where you will show the world that the eBook is going to be launched at some date. Show them in some points what they can expect in the book. So they will also spread a word about your eBook and you will get enough popularity even before launching. You can also send out emails to your subscribers about the launch date. If you do not have subscribers, you can try joint ventures with people who have huge list. You may have to give them something in return. This is done mutually. But remember the more heat you are able to create before launching the better it is for your eBook to be popular.

Submit to eBook Directories:

One of the most famous eBook directories is One thing you should keep in mind is that, on the date of launching your eBook should be available at every possible places on internet. Most of these book selling websites allow you to pre-submit your eBook and made available at a desired date. Submit your eBook to all book selling websites. You can even submit to Forums and Blogs some of the interesting contents of your eBook and link back that content to your home page. This way your website will be everywhere online at the time of launching your ebook.

Take Part in Giveaway Events:

One of the best way to launch your eBook is to promote it in giveaway events for a limited period of time. People love free stuff. So these events have hundreds and thousands of visitors daily. You can get maximum exposure in these events. You have to register yourself and put a direct link to download your ebook. You can even take out some of the interesting chapters from your actual eBook and create a small report of it and then give it away for free. So that people can get an idea what they will be getting after buying your full ebook.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Product Marketing Plan #3 - Mine Your Assets

This is wickedly effective, so stop what you're doing and pay attention. This product marketing plan is all about digging deep to identify the benefits that your product offers as well as putting your hand on under-used assets that you can use as bonuses or pre-launch content.

Some of these may be obvious and some are not. I mean that the ones that are not so obvious may need to be re-purposed to stack more value into your product launch offer. These probably fall under the 'law of Unintended Consequences'.

You probably have under-used assets too, if only you could identify them. Claude Hopkins - the father of marketing - famously did just that with a failing beer. Hopkins was hired in 1919 to create an ad. The company was drowning in debt and failing fast. Bankruptcy loomed. Beer sales were dismal. Market share was through the floor, just 15th in terms of U.S. sales.

Hopkins insisted on making the trip to Wisconsin to visit the brewery. Like any good product launch manager he had to reveal the beer company's hidden assets. He wanted to know what - if anything - made their beer remarkable. He knew that it was impossible to tell an engaging story or create a crushing offer without knowing every detail of how the product was made and what values the company had. Hopkins had to find an inspiring 'hook' with which to transform the market's perception.

The Wisconsin executives could see nothing exceptional in their brewing methods. They had lived with them every day for as long as they could remember.

They saw nothing different in how their deep drilled wells gave the purest water; nothing different in how their glass enclosed rooms stopped contaminates leeching into it; nothing different in how their bottles were cleaned, re-cleaned, and sanitized a dozen times; and nothing different in the kind of yeast they used or where they got it.

But Hopkins was astounded by what he found. "That's amazing" He cried "Why haven't your advertising people told the world about this truly remarkable brewing process?"

The beer company executives shrugged "Our competitors use virtually the same process for their beer too" they said. "Maybe" replied Hopkins "but no-one has told the market. We'll be the first. The beer drinking public will see your beer as something truly remarkable!"

The value of a fresh pair of eyes. And so they did. Hopkins was able to see something truly remarkable in a process the beer executives thought mundane and normal. He knew that these values would stir emotions in the heart of the market. Their appeal was undeniable.

The result of his visit to Wisconsin? Six months later, the beer company was producing the #1 selling beer in the country. So never underestimate the importance of a fresh pair of eyes to help you identify your most relevant and powerful assets.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   

Here Are 3 Tips to Use in Your Next Product Launch

So what are the 3 keys to successful product launch marketing?

Well, I'll come to that in a second...

In my two years in online business marketing, I have compiled a launch check-list to make sure that the product launches I do for clients are successful.

The old 'hope marketing' methods we all used to use just aren't working so well anymore so I thought I'd share 3 key product launch marketing tips with you.

So here we go...

1. Know your market - Make sure that, before you even think about your new product in too much detail, you get to know your target market really well. You need to be able to write a detailed description of your ideal buyer. Find out about His or Her age, their education, where they live, how much they earn, do they have kids, if so of what age. Really climb inside their heads and find out what makes them tick.

2. Over deliver on Value - During the pre-launch phase, you must give away your best stuff. This is counter intuitive because you're probably thinking that you want to include that in your product. But remember, when a music publisher is trying to sell a new album, they don't promote the average tracks do they?

3. Stack the deadlines - Your pre-launch sequence of emails and content must include a series of events. Webinars, the release of a new video, an interview with a guru or whatever. Each one should have a deadline... "Sign up before X" When it comes to sending the final email to tell your prospects "Go Buy" they will be more likely to react immediately because you have 'trained' them to do so!

Warning: These are tried and tested strategies used by the top internet marketers. They are powerful so use them with care and you'll be blown away by the result

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   

Tips on How to Avoid a Bad Product Launch

All year round product launches take place and this is a common event. For the past three years the world has witnessed about thirty thousand fresh product launches every year. Acceptance of the products in the market and the launch being successful is ensured by marketing agencies. You might want to ask, can we till remember all the names of these products? I don't thing so rather we all tend to be loyal to a particular product brand and company. Besides towards new product there could arouse a felling of skepticism. It is important therefore if you own company and you are in the process of launching a new product in the market you have to be weary of the mistakes that lots of firms make during the course of their product launch.

Helpful ways in avoiding a bad product launch:

The common mistakes that most firms make is that they would want to create a product, test the product make sure the completing of all the basics and start making plans towards launch the product. And they would want to all of the above in the last minute. Campaigns like that of a product launch that should be rushed. You can be sure that public relation and marketing agencies that offer little or no help in short notice and this could spell doom for you. It would wise if you can start making your plans and laying out your strategies a little earlier before you commence production of your product.

If you are having problems with the production process how can you address the situation? If it happens that distribution can not be completed in time, what will be your next line of action? In this regard you make out elective plans and dates that you can fall back on should any of the above mention problems arise. Be in constant touch with all stake holders involved in your product launch. This ensures that you will be well prepared should any problems arise and there will no element of surprise.

Designate operations of your product launch to the top executives of your firm. But on the hand you might want to consider employing the services of a product manger or band manger for it is quite sure that your top executives might be busy themselves and wouldn't be able to have enough time into your product launch. The manger you employ will oversee the affairs of your business and get back to the executives of your firm.

It is important to let all your employees know the date of your product launch this can incite marketing word of mouth. This type of marketing is embraced by every firm. This kind of marketing can create the bang and buzz for your product and inform the consumer base of your product. Be sure to highlight all the merits of your product so as to give it all the needed attention during the launch.

Organize your marketing plans the right way. Take full advantage of the media to bring the commercials of your product. The television, new papers get them all involved. Make use of flyer and brochures to get to your intended consumer.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   

Will Your Next Product Launch Marketing Sequence Create an Army of Raving Fans? Yes Or No?

Have you noticed what happens every time that producer of the embodiment of must-have cool laptops and mobiles, - shall we call it the 'I-brand' - unveils a new gizmo?

Come the day it finally goes on sale, there's this queue of raving fans outside every one of the 'I-brand' shops, stretching round the block and beyond-and they're all desperate to buy, and buy now.

That's no accident.

That happens because 'I-brand's product launch team have put together a crushing offer and executed an irresistible product launch strategy.

The process goes something like this...

A few months before the big day, the rumour mill goes to work, with hints dropped to the right people in the right places-people who can be relied on to start spreading the word. This leads to company denials. The rumours, however, persist.

Then an 'I-brand' insider lets it be known that, yes, they are working on this new game-changing gizmo but it's more than his life's worth to say more.

Would-be customers start clamouring. They want answers to their questions. And they want them today. As if by magic, the rumours become more detailed, just enough trickles out to keep the fires stoked.

Soon the clamour reaches a crescendo. What will the gizmo actually do? How will it do it? When can we have a look? When will it be available to buy? How much will it cost?

The community of 'I-brand' fans are Tweeting, blogging, diving into the forums and posting on Web 2.0 properties just about 24/7.

At the 11th hour, a video is released and quickly goes viral. It tells the by-now raving fans just about everything they need to know. It gives them a 'sneak preview' of their new object of desire. Still no mention of price, but 'I-brand' assures everyone it'll be reasonable.

The product launch plan is in overdrive

Now we're all talking about it and that includes you. We seem to be talking about little else! We're all researching the gizmo, getting ourselves on the 'jump to the front of the queue' lists, making sure we know exactly when the doors will open.

Then the 'I-brand' announces the launch date-but there's bad news. Not everyone's going to be able to get one-they're all on overtime at the factory, but there's just no way they can possibly match demand.


On the eve of the launch of this shiny new object, the 'I-brand' cognoscenti are lining the streets and bedding down for the night in their sleeping bags, all to guarantee that when the doors open they can get their hands on the prized gizmo.

'I-brand' heads straight to the front of the product launch marketing class once again.

Now as a product owner or publisher, it won't take you that long to work out who I-brand' really is. You've probably sat back in awe at the skill with which they execute their launch marketing. If you want to do the same, you can, you just need a product launch expert to help you make sure your launch marketing is awesome too.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   

Launch Campaign: 5 Quick Ways to Use Conversation As Market Research

Are you ready to start your next launch campaign? How can you enter conversation with your current prospects and be sure that your product is one they really want? Here are five ways to find your target audience, learn what they are talking about, and develop products that speak to their needs.

Go to the Bookstore. Find and study the shelves about your target market. What kind of publications are most popular? Look at the headlines and search for common themes between the different publications. You and I both know that major bookstores only order publications that are selling. Search the bookshelf and study the magazine rack. Before you begin your launch campaign, make sure that your product is consistent with what is currently selling in the marketplace.

Use Google Trends. Google has a tool in the "labs" section called Google Trends. This is a really slick tool which gives you information about what is increasing in search volume and what is decreasing in search volume. This is a free tool and it allows you to see the ebbs, flows, and hot conversation topics in your niche.

Use the eBay Marketplace. Another place you can go is eBay. eBay is not only an online marketplace, it is a live auction. This is a place where your prospective customers are telling you exactly what they are willing to pay for a certain product! Are you curious about what your market values most? eBay can provide the answer.

Dig into Amazon. Amazon is a great place to improve your market research before a launch campaign. Not only does it sell a lot of product, but it is a great source for customer reviews. People go to Amazon to give their opinion and rate products. Read the reviews carefully. If you do, you will better understand the conversation in their mind and which emotions are driving them to action.

Use the many Affiliate Networks. There are a number of affiliate networks. Commission Junction and ClickBank are two great examples. These are places where you can see which products are already selling well with the support of promotional partners. You can search around in any affiliate network you like. Choose your network, rank by most sold, and measure your product against the ones you see.

The best part about all five of these ideas is that they're all absolutely free. They will not cost you any money, but it does take time to study each of these methods appropriately. It is best to choose one favorite strategy and begin there. As you prepare for you launch campaign, the insight you gain will make you exponentially smarter about the conversation your marketplace is having.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Do You Need a Product Launch Marketing Consultant?

The key to any product's success is a successful launch, and the key to a successful launch is a successful product launch marketing campaign. While you may be able to launch your product on your own with little or no outside input, there are some specific areas you might consider bringing someone in to handle the details. After all, you need the product launch marketing campaign to be done right first time, don't you?

That said, there are a couple of ways you can go when it comes to hiring a consultant. You can either find a company that specializes in product launch marketing and who can offer multiple areas of service, or you can pick and choose which tasks you need to outsource to a consultant. Hiring a comprehensive consultant gives you a resource experienced with product launches who can offer truly expert advice on a myriad of topics.

Picking and choosing which individual tasks to outsource may appear at first glance to save you a bit of money, but it may not always be the case. You should always consider your ROI in this context.

Here are some areas where you might consider using a consultant in your product launch marketing plan:

Graphic and Web Design

Anyone can indeed make a banner and slap it at the top of a web page. Many people make an attempt at designing their own logos and graphics. Most folks, given today's versatile web publishing tools, can even create a web page that looks nice.

You don't want a web page or logo that looks nice. Nice means "forgettable." You want your graphics and your site to make an impact. You want to draw the viewer's eyes in and keep them there. It doesn't have to be flashy and it doesn't have to be obnoxious, either.

You need a designer's eye and touch if your product launch marketing strategy is going to prove to be effective.

List and Lead Management

Maintaining your mailing list, email list or leads list is essential to launching your product. After all, if you can't get the word out about your product to your target market, no one's going to buy and your launch will fail.

There are a number of automated tools to help with this aspect of your launch. If you have enough technical savvy, you can probably mange your leads in-house. However, a consultant may be able to not only manage your existing leads but generate new ones. If that's the case, it might be worth hiring out. Lead management is a great add-on service if you're already paying a consultant for other work.


Knowing how your product benefits your customers is one thing. Being able to communicate that effectively to your customers is another thing altogether. Bringing in an expert copywriter can mean the difference between a successful product launch and a failed product launch.

Hiring a copywriter is more than just hiring someone to fix your grammar or spelling. Copywriting involves things like psychological sales techniques, the visual flow and pagination of a letter or web page and even the choice of active versus passive language.

Whether or not you hire consultants to work on your product launch marketing strategy is, of course, a highly-individualized decision, based on your existing skill set, resources and budget.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   

Product Marketing Plan #2 - Create a Crushing Offer

Your product is as nothing without a crushing offer. You've done the spadework and come up with your list of assets. You just have to arrange them in such a way that together they give you the maximum leverage.

You know which modalities to use... text, video, audio, live streaming, webinar and/or teleseminar because your market research will have told you that.

Let's take video for example. I use it in some product launch marketing plans but wouldn't go near it for others.

What's the deciding factor?

The same factor that always has been and always will be the only factor to pay attention to:

What the people in your market respond to.

And the emphasis in that phrase is on "people". You see, too many so called internet marketers view their market as a nebulous mass - and that's a serious mistake. Your market is made up of individuals. People just like you and me who have goals, hopes, dreams, aspirations, deadlines to make, families to feed, bills to pay, hobbies to engage in, and on and on.

As David Ogilvy so aptly put it, "the consumer is not an idiot, she is your wife".

So you have to understand at the deepest level exactly what forms of communication the people in your market like best. And if you don't know that, then you have to test and test some more until you do know... or just ask them!

Be aware too, that preferences change, so you have to stay on top of new media and new technology and be testing on a regular basis if you want to maximize your effectiveness.

All the time that you are romancing your list with your product launch story they have no idea that you are about to launch a new product. They just appreciate the great content that you are giving away for free.

Just Remember that when you pivot and start talking about your product, your potential customers have only one question at the forefront of their minds.

And it's not...

"Why should I buy this product?"

It's more like...

"Why shouldn't I buy this product?"

They are looking for reasons NOT to buy.

Your job is to create an offer that is so overwhelming that they feel compelled to pull out their credit card and buy from you.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   

How to Avoid Costly Product Launch Mistakes

Planning a proper product launch is the key ingredient that determines the success or failure of your launch. A highly successful product launch is the spoils that go to the entrepreneur who plans properly. It's not enough to know what goes where, if you want a truly successful product launch, you need to know when each element needs to be introduced as well. Not only can failing to do this doom your launch but it could also cost you a lot of money (in unrealized profits) in the end. Pay attention to these fixes for product launch mistakes.

Make sure you do not overestimate your launch projections. Because you have high hopes, big dreams, and a firm belief in your product, this is an easy mistake to make. Many of the big businesses you know have had this happen to them too. It's not a bad idea to err on the side of caution so you can be pleasantly surprised when results are better than projected. Let your product launch surprise you and exceed your expectations. This is much better than assuming the worst. It's great to think big but make sure you infuse those thoughts with a healthy dose of reality.

Once your product launch gives you the boost, your next job is to maintain the response and grow your business over time.

You do not have to do everything by yourself.

You don't know everything you need to know about running a small business. If you take on too many responsibilities, like many other entrepreneurs in your shoes do, before the launch something important might get missed. In the end, quality and effectiveness of the product and/or launch will suffer. Learn to delegate tasks that require certain expertise or bore you silly to someone better suited for them.

Last but not the least; focus on enhancing your relationship with your subscribers and joint venture partners before the launch so that when it is about to happen, they are in the right mindset and look forward to it. All in all, from the above article we come to the conclusion that launching a product can be a complicated process, if you make it complicated. When you keep your launch simple the focus remains on the product. Watch out for these and other common mistakes that can derail your product launch.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Product Launch Formula Simplified (Anyone Can Do It)

Have you seen the pictures of Einstein's blackboard? It is covered with incomprehensible symbols, formulas, and equations. But when we see the familiar e=mc2 at the very bottom we are so pleased with ourselves because we understand the conclusion.

We don't need to follow all the math. We recognize the importance of all the scrawling and we know the result. E=mc2 is like an old friend. We've heard it. We've said it. That works for us.

Money Making Equation

Now, let's talk about launching a product on the Internet. Only instead of reaching the conclusion e=mc2, the conclusion is that people are making astronomical amounts of money in a week, a day or an hour. My apologies to Einstein for the analogy, but sometimes these launches can look so complicated that it is just about as intimidating as Einstein's blackboard.

The Simple Approach

Fortunately, there is a simple formula that anyone can follow to launch a product and the financial results can be life changing. How Simple? Very simple.

The reason the launch formula makes launching a product so simple is that it is all behavioral. "Do this, do that." There are no mysteries. You follow the steps and you get the results. If you can follow instructions, you can have a successful product launch.

The Parachute

It's simple not only because all you have to do is follow certain steps. It's simple because you can even get some of them wrong or leave them out entirely and it still works.

Jeff Walker, in his videos where he simplifies the launch process, talks about a parachute that always brings a successful landing. The value of the parachute is that you can make mistakes that would ordinarily destroy a sales campaign. But with the product launch "secret" launch formula, you are covered. Mistakes (should you make them - and just about everyone does), get absorbed into the bigger formula and all goes well. That's why I say it is simple. Because even if you make some mistakes, it still works.

Even for this guy...

I want to share with you the story of a stay at home dad who, after six years of changing diapers and making lunch, knew he could not break his way back into the corporate world. So, with no training at all, he decided to launch a product on the Internet. In fact, he made just about every mistake you can make.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Six Steps to a Successful Product Launch

If your aim is to develop products that your clients will buy without hesitation, you need to know the secrets behind what makes a product successful.

There are several key factors you need to take into consideration in order to come up with a great product. Following these steps will give you the tools you need to get started on creating your product.

Step One

Find out what your market wants.

There are a number of things that you can do to make sure there's a market who wants to buy your product before you invest any time in creation. People buy what they want, not what you think they need. Use both your head and your heart to find out what that want is. Set aside your own preconceptions. Don't predetermine. Listen and pay attention to what your target market is saying or complaining about. Put yourself in their shoes. Do surveys. Make phone calls.

Step Two

Once you've figured out what your clients want, give it to them.

Focus on finding the "hook". Understand what miracle cure your clients are wishing for and make it the top line headline about your particular product. The closer you can present your solution to that miracle cure, the better. You really need to spend some time on this. Write it down as a question to help prompt your subconscious mind to come up with the answer.

Step Three

Organize your content.

Brainstorm all of the things that your end user is going to need to get the results that you are promising to deliver. When mapping out the components of what your product will deliver, think first about what you're going to cover rather than how you're going to cover it.

Make an outline with all of the things that this particular product will cover. You do not need to include everything you know about a topic. This will just delay your product creation. Include content to help your clients get the results they want.

Tip: You don't need to create your product in the order that you're going to deliver it. Create it in a way that you can get it done quickly. Starting with the areas that are easiest for you will greatly aid you in creating your product rapidly.

Step Four

Decide on the format you need to follow.

There should be a logical congruency between the "hook" and the format your product takes. For example, if your hook says "instant," but your product is a 6-month-long course, that's not consistent.

You also need to decide whether your product format will be physical or digital, or both. Base this on what makes the most sense for your market. Answer the questions: What is most appealing to this market? What fits in best with the product? What fits in best with the solution?

Step Five

Figure out what you are going to charge.

Set your price based on the value your product delivers to the end user, not the cost of creating the product. Don't determine your expenses and then markup the product from there. Price according to the problem you're solving. The question you need to ask is "What is it worth to clients to solve this problem?"

Step Six

Think about the design of your product.

Be careful how much time you spend in this. Yes, design is important. People do judge books by their covers. But there's a point where the amount of time you spend on it is diminishing your return. Ultimately, ask yourself "How much more am I really going to sell by spending this extra time on design?"

Following these steps in this order will ensure that you develop a product that is effective and efficient, for your market and for your business.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   Suggestions to Launching a New Business - Discover Why It Should Start Online!   

Hosting a Product Launch Event

Product launch hospitality is a relatively new marketing tactic with promising potential for your business. In this article we are going to talk about this tactic and how to use it and benefit from it.

This tactic is increasingly being used by marketers at new product launch events. Marketers spend more and more on immersive and emotionally powerful events that will grab the attention of the target customers and make such a powerful impression that will generate a lot of buzz for the new product. These events are even more powerful and effective than regular TV ads.

A welcoming and well-choreographed event can do wonders for your business's image and reputation. These rewards however, are a not without effort. Hosting an event can be a challenging and costly endeavor, in terms of money and attention. Successful hosting of events doesn't come easily, so here are a few tips to get you started.

- Hosting a product launch event tip 1: Make the events larger than life

Think Hollywood, try to dazzle and impress your audience but always keep your new product on the center stage and don't get them so dazzled that they get sidetracked and neglect the main reason for the event.

- Hosting a product launch event tip 2: be genuinely friendly

Even if you don't have the money to have a dazzling event, genuine hospitality and friendship displays will give your launch events a warm and welcoming aura that will make your audience at ease, and let them focus on the main event: your new product.

- Hosting a product launch event tip 3: Welcome nontraditional press

Give bloggers the same attention you give "real" journalists. Bloggers are a very influential and they may actually reach more young audience than the traditional press does. If your launch event was a positive experience for bloggers, they will write about it, and their words will reach a lot of your target audience.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

How Many Check Lists Will You Have For Your New Product Launch?

So you have done your research. You have got inside the minds of your core niche market. You know that your product is better than any other. You've assembled your new product launch team. Together you have created a killer killer launch plan. There's just one vital task left to do...

Well actually, more than one! Have you checked your business systems?

Any good airline pilot will tell you that he checks all his flight systems before pushing back from the stand. So, take that as a massive clue to what you should be doing.

Here's an example. Have you checked that your optin process is working like a Swiss Watch? Is it fully optimized? Is the optin bait fully tested and proven as the best?

These are just some of the 330 different checks you must make especially if you're going for a bid syndicated launch with a product launch manager wrangling and army of JVs. So start now, break that long list into 11 separate checks. That's what we do before checking every single one.

The quickest way of blowing your credibility is to ramp everything up as you must and then have a disaster of a new product launch. Your Joint Venture partners will never work with you again... so do those pre-launch checks.

If your server goes down under the load within minutes, you will just have a mess of trouble. Your customer support team will be working 24/7 on disaster recovery and most of your new customers will be long gone.

That is if your existing staff can handle the job. The answer is that they will probably be on overload and you will have to hire in an experienced recovery team to get everything back on track. That is more money your spending, not making.

And remember, if your key personnel have not been through a successful new product launch before, that they will be under strain already. Disaster recovery is the last thing they need. So do yourself a favor... Get those product launch checks done.

A poorly planned launch will turn all that hard work on product creation into product launch wimper rather than a bang

So, do it right and money will flow smoothly into your bank account...

But, don't start dreaming of that well earned vacation just yet. There's the post launch sequence to consider; stick strategies, product delivery, surprise bonuses and much more.

Your life is about to change whether you like it or not. Do your pre-launch checks and make sure its for the better!

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

Review of Auto Click Profits

Auto Click Profits is in pre launch at the moment and is due out on the February 7th 2011. It has been created by Daniel Owens and is a program designed for internet marketers. There isn't much information on it except that he reveals the same two software programs that he uses to generate a 7 figure income in affiliate commissions over the past year. The price is also a closely guarded secret, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it will have a "7" at the end of it.

Surprisingly there is not a lot of information about Daniel Owens either, He seems to have kept himself under the radar although he does have a couple of other people with whom he has teamed up with to promote Auto Click Profits off the back of their products.

One thing is for sure, it seems that part of it is going to be a kind of "set up and forget" traffic generation tool and there seems to be a lot of these around at the moment. So whether this particular software is different to any of the others remains to be seen.

There is a lot of hype surrounding Auto Click Profits and other reviews although a little biased, are saying that Daniel Owens is going to be providing something of real value. If this is the case then this program could definitely be something worth purchasing if you are looking to move your business forward.

However, like anything it is advisable to do your homework before you part with your hard earned cash. As it hasn't been launched yet, there is no way of telling whether this program is the next best thing. We do know that it is certain to generate a lot of interest, so watch this space.

Product Launch Tactics - Using Autoresponders to Boost Your Product Launches   The Best Ways to Launch a Product Online   Launching A New Product? 5 Necessary Questions to Ask   Do You Have a Product Launch Strategy?   Product Launch Copywriting Requirements   

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